Black and White

4th Sunday of Lent

We were created in love by God (white), then we fell into and were captured by sin (black), but “even when we were dead in our transgressions” “God, who is rich in mercy…brought us to life with Christ…raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus” (white).   And now, all throughout each day, in so many ways, we are making choices — about what we say, what we do, what we think about, what we listen to, what we watch, what we read.  We are either choosing black or choosing white; choosing to let a little more darkness into our life and world, or choosing to let a little more light into our life and world.

Black and white.  Black and white.  There will be a final day, when we stand before the Lord, and for the final verdict “gray” is not an option, it will be black or white.

The Heavenly Birkie

2nd Sunday of Lent

The Birkie is an incredible yearly event!  So many people, come from all over the country (and the world) to make this experience possible — whether it’s the skiers, the many volunteers, the family members, the friends, the staff, all our business owners — everyone comes together, preps, and plays their part to make this week happen.  Could the Birkie be a lens, a window, an analogy, into how God wants us to live the entirety of our lives?!

Wholeness/Holiness Heals

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In our Gospel today we see Jesus healing those who are sick or possessed by demons, restoring some people physically and some people spiritually.  Jesus’ wholeness heals others.  While His apostles aren’t yet healing others at this point in their lives, we know that one day they will.  While the saints aren’t yet healing others when this Gospel passage happened, we know that one day they will.  And all of it comes from closeness with the Father, often exemplified through prayer-Jesus in our Gospel goes off early in the morning to pray to His Father.  Their wholeness/holiness came from deep union with God, often in prayer, and it spilled over into those around them, bringing restoration and healing…and God will do the same through us when we spend time growing in deep union with the Father, too!

God Has Already Spoken To You

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The spiritual life, I believe, is actually very simple; it’s not easy, but it’s simple.  It’s following the impulses that come from deep within, the calls that arise from the depths of our soul and heart, from the place within us where God already dwells.  God is so much closer to us than we realize.  God molded our inmost being, He created us, He placed a spark of eternity in each of us, He gave each of us the breath of His Spirit to give us life; God already dwells deep, deep within each of us.  “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

Full of Blessings

4th Sunday of Advent

Mary is hailed today as full of grace, full of God’s blessings.  Our lives, too, are filled with God’s blessings…but it’s so easy to forget and miss those blessings (and our sins lead us to forget God’s blessings as well).  As we enter into this Christmas season, let us, like Mary, recognize our blessings and remind ourselves and others of the good things God has done!

Spreading the Light

2nd Sunday of Advent

Christ comes to bring a peace that every heart and soul longs for but which nothing in the world is able to provide.What we need is more of God, more holiness, more of God’s light shining in and through us.  And as we experience God’s light shining out through us, both we and others experience the peace that this world cannot give!